Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can we send you the images? We have a few hundred images and a few are more then 50MB large each. How shall we proceed?

A: We will set up your own FTP (file transfer protocol) account (accessible only to you, to ensure your data protection) on our server, where you will be able to upload as many images as you wish , of any size. You can upload the images using a ftp client sofware like file zilla, and your personal assistant will help you out, in case you are not familiar with ftp’s.

Q: How can we pay?

A: Payment is made only after all the images are delivered and you are satisfied with all of them. Payment can be made through Pay Pal or bank transfer. No VAT is added to the price. Before proceeding with any order, a free price evaluation will be made. We will start processing your order only if you have accepted the price evaluation.

Q: When are the images delivered?

A: The processed images will be ready for download from your ftp account after 24 hours maximum. We work 24/7.

Q: How many images can you process per day?

A: Maximum 500 complexity easy images, 100 color correction paths, 100 masking images. You personal assistant will let you know if a large order can or cannot be processed in the next 24 hours.

Wait, that’s not all! We still have a few great reasons for you to work with us:


JOIN us today and, as a token of our appreciation, we offer you a special bonus! UP to 100 FREE IMAGES!

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